CHEMISTRY HSSC-I                                              SECTION(Marks 17)

Q1. Circle the correct option i.e. A/B/C/D. Each part carries one mark.

(i)   Which of the following metal cannot displace Hydrogen gas from Water?
       A. Cu         B. Na           C. K            D. Ca

(ii)  The number of covalent bonds present in 8g of CH4 is
       A. 1.204x10²³                                     B. 3.01x10²³
       C. 6.02x10²³                             D.6.02x10²³

(iii) Paschen series of spectral lines is produced due to the transition of electrons from higher orbit to the
       A. 4th             B. 1st         C. 2nd           D. 3rd



(iv) Which set of quantum number is NOT valid for electron?
       A. n=3   l=2   m=-2                B.  n=1   l=1   m=0
       C. n=2   l=0   m=0                 D.  n= 3  l=1   m=-1

(v)  The central atom is sp2 hybridized.
       A. CH4           B. BeCl2           C. BF3            D. H2O


(vi)  Which one of the following has high bond energy?
        A. N≡N        B. C≡O       C. C=N              D. C≡C


(vii) Which one of the following gases possesses lowest density?
        A. CH4      B. CO2           C. N2               D. NH3


(viii)  If both the pressure and temperature of the gas are doubled, the volume will
          A. Remain same    B. Become Double       C. Increase four times    D. Become

(ix)  The boiling point of NH3, H2O and HF increases in the following order.
       A. HF> NH3> H2O                     B. H2O > NH3> HF
       C. H2O > HF> NH3                   D. HF> H2O > NH3

(x) The existence of two compounds in the same crystalline forms is called
      A. Allotropy   B. Anisotropy   C. Isomorphism   D. Polymorphism


(xi)  In the reaction N2O4 2(NO2)  ΔH=+57.2 kJ the equilibrium shifted to the                          
        Forward direction by
        A. Increasing the concentration of NO2          B. Increasing the temprature
        C. Increasing the pressure                                D. Decreasing Volume

(xii) Which salt will form acidic solution in Water?
         A. K2CO3     B. KCl       C. NaBr       D. NH4Cl


(xiii) The order of the enzyme catalyzed reaction is
         A. 3      B. 0      C. 1     D. 2


(xiv) The boiling point of 0.1 molal solution of glucose in water is
        A. 105.2C   B. 100.52C     C. 100.052C     D. 101.86C


(xv) 18 g glucose is dissolved in 180 g of water. The relative lowering in vapour   
        Pressure is.
       A. 0.001      B. 10      C. 1.8      D. 0.01


(xvi)  The standard enthalpy of formation is zero for
          A. C6H12O6 (Glucose)     B. O2       C. H2O    D. NaCl


(xvii)  One coulomb is the charge carried by
           A. 9.11 x 10^31 electrons           B. 6.25 x 10^18 electrons
           C. 1.602 x 10^19 electrons          D. 6.02 x 10^23 electrons